Project Description

Gwendolyn Group, LLC

Social Media, Digital Reputation Management, Creative Design, Website Management, Public Relations, Market Research, Photography


“To me, the world of marketing and social media is a dark and impenetrable forest: the many ways to spend your marketing budget are almost infinite. Taylor West has been my guide, choosing an effective path for my company, hacking through what is to me, a wilderness. Claire especially has been by our side through all the bizarre, one-off opportunities and happenings that are part of my industry. I would heartily recommend them to anyone in my position” – Chef Michael Sohocki, Founder and President

Gwendolyn Group originally came to Taylor West with a need for social media management. After further review, it was determined by Taylor West that a full marketing audit project was needed in order to get a better understanding of the current restaurant landscape and missed opportunities that the restaurant group needed to be aware of/improve on operationally.

We started by visiting each restaurant, taking in, listening, and reviewing their digital platforms to determine the overall experience they were portraying. We then presented a complete audit for each restaurant to show how it translated to the in-person dining experience and what improvements needed to be made. Looking beyond what the staff and leadership saw was imperative to improving the diner’s experience and also lead us to determine the correct voice and goals for their digital needs.

From this audit, we then began to oversee and execute PR opportunities, website redesigns and improved overall social media posting, engagement, and follower counts. We produced photo shoots, brought in key influencers to attract the right target markets, and conducted online reputation management to improve look/feel and overall customer satisfaction.
